Some will say it’s ridiculous. Some will say it isn’t practical, but follow the glow of that eternal beacon. It’s your inner truth and no matter how faint it seems, flowers, more brilliant than you can imagine, will blossom with every step along that path.
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The WA Hotel: Part 1
I’d never met the man, but on the same hand I knew him, and if I went back he’d probably be gone. Like some apparition in the night.
Read More"Like Father, Like Son"
We must unapologetically chase life, loving fearlessly along the way, like some character out of a Kerouac novel.
Read MoreThe PickUp's and Let Downs
I couldn’t read his name, but that smile on the other hand said very clearly, “don’t you fucking stop at my booth dude, this’ll be awkward for the both of us, so let’s spare each other the formalities.”
Read More"A Mismatch"
Mind you, it was still winter outside, but doing overhead swings with 100 pounds of luggage will do some kinda thing to you.
Read More"Train-ing Week"
My backpack and suitcase, which had been scarred from a trip around the globe, were stuffed deep into Mordor. It was the only thing between me and hitching a taxi, this was my middle earth, I was Frodo and she, my Gollum…
Read More"The Sidewalk Is For People"
Without skipping a beat, or giving a smirk, my co-teacher looked into the depths of my being, like one of those wrinkly 90 year old ladies, and asked; “what’s a sidewalk?”
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